Thursday, July 3, 2008

Aldactone used to treat hormonal acne dermatologist and reviews on over the counter acne medicine or home remedies

The most obvious way is to apply acne skin lotion or cream to treat it. This is an effective method provided you use the right product. Choose products that are made specifically for treating acne. If possible go for natural products instead of a chemical one. These products will help to eliminated the bacteria and reduce inflammation. Natural acne products are also safer and less irritating to the skin.
So why is vegetable oil an acne causing food? Simple - it causes hormonal imbalance and leads to the worst type of acne breakouts - cysts. Yep, I was eating vegetable oil everyday without even realizing it, and it was causing the worst of my acne.
Subcision: This is effective for sunken Acne scars as it involves breaking up the fibrous bands that is the causative factor in sunken acne scars raising the scarred region to the level of the rest of the skin.
tags: getting rid of acne pimple, aloe vera and cammomile health soap acne org, hormones and acne during menstruation
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