Thursday, July 3, 2008

Types of perscriptions used to treat acne and side effects and cream of tartar acne

Generally, a program for serious skin care acne prone individuals can be found at the clinic of a well known dermatologist or plastic surgeon. A skin care professional as such knows exactly what to recommend when a person needs serious skin care for the acne problems he is having. Included in the various treatments for serious skin care are dermabrasion treatments, peeling treatments, chemical treatments and a whole lot more. There are also alternative treatments that use all natural products, and they ensure that allergic and adverse reactions are less likely to occur because they are made of all natural substances.
Here, we'll talk about some of the possible causes of acne and help you figure out what might be causing yours.
Another acne medication that achieves this at the cellular level is Vitamin A itself. This dries the skin and flakes off the dead cells. Another is benzoyl peroxide, found in acne treatments such as Clearasil Max and Proactive. This not only flakes off dead skin cells but also possesses mild antibacterial properties. However, these acne treatments can also dry up the skin of some people and turn it flaky.
tags: how long before retin-a starts to clear up acne, is acne a side of pregnancy, acne cure

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