Monday, August 4, 2008

How to get black scars off your face from acne and skin care for adult acne

What's you skin type? Balanced and normal, dry, or oily? Many acne fighting products are tailored to a specific skin type. These are usually clearly stated on the product container. For instance, Neutrogena makes facial cleansing soap bars in several types including moisturizing for dry skin, oil-free for oily skin, etc.
When you attack your acne the right way, it's amazing to see how quickly you will see results. You just need to make sure the treatment you are using treats all of the causes of acne and works as a "system" to give your skin the strength it needs to fight off and prevent any new pimples. All the best!
After the treatment, your skin will generally be pink and a bit tender for a few days afterwards, especially if you have sensitive skin type. If you have herpes, you should discuss with your doctor before you have any laser treatment on your face. Exposure to the laser can cause a herpes infection to surface on your skin, so your doctor will usually battle this by prescribing a strong antibiotic before you undergo the procedure.
tags: adult acne remedy, best treatment for adult hormonal acne, home remedies to reduce redness of acne

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