Monday, August 4, 2008

Natures cure homeopathic acne medication and birth control pills that clear acne

Sure, dirt causes clogged pores, but clogged pores isn't necessarily acne. Acne can lead to clogged pores, but in that case the pores don't get clogged by dirt. Acne is a result of several factors, including oil, skin cells and certain bacteria, and dirt is not one of those factors. Sure, keeping your face clean helps preventing clogged pores and acne outbreaks, but dirt has no place in the equation. You can get acne outbreaks no matter how well you clean yourself. Dirt is not a factor in acne.
Adult Acne In Women - What Is It And What Can I Do?
increased risk of throat cancer. You can also find this in toothpaste as well
tags: how to get rid of acne fast and easy, skin care products for acne prone, homeopathic acne solutions

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